Sep 30, 2021 | Expositions
On Sptember 15th 2021 Marisa Godoy has successfully defended her doctoral thesis ‘Generating co-presence: dancers’ ways of knowing and discoveries in improvisation choreography’ and thus completed her PhD at the Centre for Dance Research, Coventry University (UK),...
Sep 28, 2021 | Expositions
The 3. Cycle is happy to announce the new PhD student Molly Joyce. She will begin her doctoral journey at the ZHdK and the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz on October 1st. Molly Joyce was recently deemed one of the “most versatile, prolific and intriguing...
Sep 10, 2021 | Expositions
In her artistic research project “Unsichtbares und Ungesagtes” (“Invisible and Unsaid”), the director BernadetteKolonko investigated the question of feminist aesthetics in film. She opens up the field of visualization throughdiscussions with international...
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